For too long science, scientists and the general public have dismissed or have been ignorant of the important contribution metaphysics offers every aspect of the human life journey. Many people do not even know what metaphysics is!

For too long metaphysics has been relegated to the poor 10 tenth cousin removed of the sciences. Why is this so? Particularly as metaphysics was and is the origin of all the sciences. All the greatest discoveries of our time and of past times all owe their development to metaphysical input.

For too long the general populus has not had access to accurate knowledge and information regarding the validity and credibility of the science of metaphysics, let alone the immense contribution metaphysics has made to the world. Without such knowledge and information people are unlikely to be open to the benefits metaphysics offers them and how it can contribute to their lives.

Schools teach various scientific subjects including Mathematics, Biology, General Science, yet fail to include the most important of all sciences, Metaphysics. What is the reason for this? Is it ignorance, incompetence or a misunderstanding of metaphysics which has developed over time?

I make these enquiries because in sharing with others what I do most have indicated they have no idea what metaphysics is! In today’s so called ‘modern world’ it is said that we are living in an enlightened age. Yet there is a missing link!

There was a time referred to as the Dark Ages when people who espoused opposing religious or scientific theories were ridiculed, to say the least, while others were put to death for those beliefs! Now, however, many of those past beliefs and scientific views have been verified.

From the time of Aristotle and Socrates to Einstein these scientists knew the value of metaphysics in and for science. John McMahon in his analysis of Aristotle’s work in The Metaphysics of Aristotle confirms this when he says “…Aristotle shows how worthy of our attentions and study metaphysical science in reality was, inasmuch as this Wisdom, or Ontology, was, in its own nature, fitted to be a regulator-so to speak- to all other systems of knowledge.” (13)

The distinction of science and metaphysics is often at the level of the process, one leading to the other. Perhaps, it is relevant here to clarify the general distinction between metaphysics and science in general.

The Oxford Dictionary states, “Science… 1 branch of knowledge involving systematized observation and experiment. 2a knowledge so gained, or on a specific subject. b pursuit of principles of this.”(814)

The dictionary goes on to state that metaphysics is… “1 branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge. 2… abstract talk; mere theory.” (558)  To further clarify these definitions; this dictionary defines philosophy as… “1 use of reason and argument in seeking truth and knowledge of reality, esp. knowledge of the causes and nature of things and of the principles governing existence.”(669)

Considering these definitions both metaphysics and science in general pursue the gaining of knowledge regarding specific subject areas. Science encompasses many and various branches of knowledge being pursued, e.g. Biology, Geology, Physics, Astronomy.  Theory and abstract ideas are also a part of the scientific process. The Reader’s Digest reference book Origin of Words and Phrases states that “Originally science was knowledge in general, or any branch of knowledge, including, the arts and the word is from Latin scire ‘to know’. The restricted modern sense of science, concentrating on the physical and natural world, dated from the 18th century.” (293)

Dr. Elizabeth ISIS Conway.